Saturday, December 18, 2021

How Many Brains does an Octopus Have?


Good question!!  Probably a lot more than you think.  

Octopus waving its arm...and mini-brain!

Here's a clue: each arm has its own mini-brain!  Now we're getting into some serious math.  8 arms X 1 mini-brain = 8 brains...but WAIT!!

There's also the central brain so that makes 9 brains in TOTAL!  WOW, talk about a lot of brain power.

For a lot more fascinating info on octopus brains check out my in-depth article "Why do Octopus have 3 Hearts and 9 Brains?"

For some additional brain-benders on Octopuses, take a look at my entire series of articles:

How Smart are Octopuses?  As Intelligent as Your Dog?

How do Octopuses Reproduce?  Detachable Penis!?

Can Octopus Arms Grow Back?  As Good as New?